Message from the President.
President’s Welcome
nawáh, Dosha, Tash-ga-sha, and Greetings!
On behalf of the faculty, staff and administration of Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our family. We are proud of the services and curriculum that we provide to our students, and we hope that your educational experience here will be one which you carry with you throughout your life.
We invite you to participate in the campus life at NHSC. Become involved in student organizations like the Student Senate, AISES, Athletics and the All Chiefs Society. College students who become actively involved in activities and participate fully in college events are more likely to be motivated and successful
students. Please take advantage of our open door policy for students. All of our departments are available to answer any questions about our various divisions. Please seek us out if you have any concerns or need assistance with you college experience.
The heart of your college career is your coursework. Realize that to be successful in college you have to attend class, complete assignments on time and study diligently. We are proud of our faculty, staff, and advisors at NHSC. They are ready to answer any questions and assist you towards your goals.
Lastly, we offer many other services to our community and enrolled members of the Three Affiliated Tribes. Seek out those services, watch for announcements about campus activities and events, and take advantage of your local college.
I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that these are truly the best years of your academic career.
Twyla Baker, Ph.D
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College