Traditional Gardens
The college’s traditional garden is planted and maintained each year by NAS faculty, Bernadine Young Bird.
The plants in the slideshow below are Hidatsa Blue Corn, Hidatsa orange squash, Hidatsa sunflower, and Hidatsa red bean. The NAS Department has also grown and given seed out for Mandan Orange Squash, Mandan Red Bride Corn, Mandan Yellow Corn and Mandan White bean, Arikara White Flint corn, Arikara squash and Arikara white bean and Hidatsa Shield bean. They are very resilient and nutritious foods of our tribe and have a delicious taste beyond compare!
NAS StaffDr. Ruth Plenty Sweetgrass-She Kills
Native American Studies Director
(701) 627-8019
Email: rhall@nhsc.eduBernadine Young Bird
Native American Studies Faculty
(701) 627-8091
Email: byoung@nhsc.eduDelvin Driver, Jr.
Native American Studies Faculty
(701) 627-8086